Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bishop Henry Katumba Tamale's Charge. His plans for the Diocese of West Buganda

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (Jn. 15:16.  NIV)

Bishop's Charge
On 28th August 2016, The Rt. Rev. Henry Katumba Tamale was consecrated and enthroned as the 6th Bishop of West Buganda at St. Paul's Cathedral Kako. Below is his Charge (Inaugural speech)

Dear Brethren,

I warmly welcome and greet you in the Mighty Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on this historic day of my Consecration and Enthronement as the 6th Bishop of West Buganda Diocese. Praise the Lord!
Bishop Katumba reads his Cahrge at St. Paul's Cathedral Kako
flanked by his wife Rev. Elizabeth Julia Tamale
My heart rejoices in the Lord for the privilege He has given us to serve in His Church. Together with my wife and children we thank you for gracing this occasion.

Your Majesty and Maama Nnabagereka we are greatly humbled by your presence!

My name is Rev. Henry Katumba-Tamale. I was born on 28th March, 1960 at Kansanga Kyaddondo to Ssalongo James Ssemukwano Ssekyalo (RIP) and Nnalongo Virginia Naggayi. I belong to the Nkima Clan, headed by Omutaka Mugema. I was baptized and confirmed at St. Stephen’s Church, Kisugu.

I went to Kisugu and St. Peter’s Nsambya Primary Schools; and Mordern Senior Secondary School. Thereafter, I worked in the Income Tax Department and the Ministry of Public Service.

I responded to God’s Call for Ministry and trained at the Uganda Martyrs’ Seminary, Namugongo; Bishop Tucker Theological College, Mukono for my Bachelor of Divinity (MAK); and thereafter, to UNISE Kyambogo for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR).
Signing legal documents after taking oaths as Bishop of West Buganda
I accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour in August, 1984 at Uganda’s Martyr’s Church, Nateete during the launch of the Diocesan Mission under the theme: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life…” (Jn. 14:6).

On the 14th December, 1986 and 27th November, 1988 at St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe, I was respectively ordained Deacon and Priest by the Rt. Rev. Misaeri Kauma (RIP).
The day he was ordained
I married my friend, Elizabeth Julia on 12th December, 1987 at St. Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe. God has blessed us with five biological and several spiritual children.

Þ       Mwesigwa Kisaakye Jonathan Sekiziivu
Þ       Mwebaza Maria Allen Ntongo
Þ       Ateesabulungi Emmanuel Meshach Kabugo
Þ       Kiwummulo Jeremiah Daniel Tamale
Þ       Mirembe Sarah Edith Namuli.

In my Ministry as Lay Reader, Deacon and Priest, I have served in various places namely:
Þ       St. John’s Kawuku, Ggaba
Þ       Masajja Kyabaggu Parish
Þ       Kibanga Parish, Ssese Islands
Þ       St. Paul’s Cathedral, Namirembe
Þ  The Departments of Youth, Mission & Evangelism and Urban Ministry, Namirembe Diocese.
Þ       Bweyogerere Parish
Þ       Bishop Hannington Theological Institute, Mombasa, Kenya
Þ       Uganda Martyrs’ Seminary, Namugongo
Þ       Uganda Christian University, Mukono
Þ       Bishop’s Office Namirembe, and
Þ       Kamuli Parish.

I am grateful to God Who found me worthy to be a Minister in His Church for the last 34 years. Out of His sheer grace, He saved me and He has trusted me to be the Chief Shepherd in this Diocese. Furthermore, we thank Him for all the resources He endowed this Diocese with since its inception in 1960.

On behalf of my wife and children, I am grateful for the leadership and nurturing of: the former Principal of Uganda Martyrs’ Seminary Namugongo, Rev. Godfrey Charles Bazira who was brutally murdered in 1984; the former Bishops of Namirembe, The Rt. Rev. Misaeri (RIP) and Maama Geraldine Kauma and The Rt. Rev. Samuel and Maama Allen Balagadde Ssekkadde; The Rt. Rev. Julius Robert and Maama Rose Kalu, ACK Mombasa; The Rt. Rev. Samson and Maama Agatha Mwaluda, ACK Taita-Taveta;  The Rt. Rev. Wilberforce and Maama Faith Kityo Luwalira, Namirembe; The Rt. Rev. Jackson and Maama Perusi, Matovu, Central Buganda; The Rt. Rev. Stephen and Maama Margaret Kaziimba, Mityana; the former Archbishops of Uganda, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Livingstone and Maama Ruth Nkoyooyo and The Rt. Rev. Henry Luke and Maama Phoebe Orombi. We appreciate the joint Ministry shared and the commitment they have exhibited. We equally appreciate the service rendered by all the former Diocesan Bishops of West Buganda.

Bishop Katumba joined by dignitaries including the Kabaka of Buganda,
 Vice President, Archbishop Ntagali and other religious leaders
We are thankful to all the Clergy and Laity of the Dioceses of West Buganda, Namirembe, Mukono, Kampala, ACK Mombasa, and ACK Taita-Taveta for their love and support; Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi, Vice Chancellor of Uganda Christian University (UCU) and the entire UCU Community; Mr. John Fred Kazibwe, Head Teacher of Mengo Senior School and the entire School fraternity for their comradeship and prayers during the course of our Service.

We are persuaded that God is calling us to preach His Word in love and humility, for He is the One Who has chosen and appointed us to do His work in this Diocese. “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name.” (Jn. 15:16.  NIV)

Þ       We strongly believe that God Himself has chosen and appointed us – (1Sam. 16:11-13)
Þ       He expects us all to bear fruit that will endure the test of time – (Gal. 5:22)
Þ       He promises to answer our prayers – (Jn. 15:16b & Lug. Hymn 6)
Þ       We strongly believe that prayers will fuel and propel our Ministry. We pray that God will empower the Intercessors in the Diocese – (Is. 62:6-7).

We thank God for the vision, knowledge, wisdom and resources He gave to Bishop Godfrey Makumbi (RIP - Pause) and his team to write the ten-year Strategic Plan of the Diocese (2012 - 2021). We appreciate their effort. God being our helper, we will ensure its implementation. We note that the following areas require particular attention:

1.    Promoting Mission and Evangelism
With all our might, we pledge to proclaim the Gospel throughout the Diocese in season and out of season. We earnestly pray that God will enable us to use all possible means to reach to the different categories of people with His Word, i.e., ‘churching the un-churched’ for instance, fishermen, boda-boda cyclists, herdsmen, market vendors etc.

2.    Integrating Faith in Learning
We will endeavour to promote ‘A Complete Education for a Complete Person’ in all our Diocesan learning institutions. This means that on top of imparting ‘head knowledge’, our institutions shall as well, take care of the spiritual and moral aspects of the learners. These ingredients will mitigate the moral decadence, injustices and other vices, rampant amongst our elite.

3.    Training of Clergy and Lay Readers
Among the many challenges faced by the contemporary Church is the question of her ill-equipped Ministers. We intend to further the theological training of our Clergy and Lay Readers and to equip them with various skills in areas of Accounting, Information Technology, Education, Health, Agriculture, Administration and Management among others. This necessitates reviewing the selection and recruitment processes of both Clergy and Lay Readers.

4.    Strengthening Diocesan Governance
We recognize that the Diocese is endowed with a wealth of human, material and financial resources. We will strive to optimally utilize them and be as transparent and accountable as possible.

With technical advice, we shall urge both the Diocesan Synod and Council to review our staff welfare and development, including their retirement packages.

5.    Involving the Laity in Ministry
Generally, the greatest resource the Church has is the Laity with various professional competencies, gifts and talents. We shall motivate and encourage them to actively participate in the life and witness of their local Parishes to develop and implement their projects.

6.    Addressing Health Challenges
There are a number of health challenges in the Diocese including but not limited to the scourge of HIV/AIDS, fistula, high infant mortality rates, tuberculosis, and malaria. In conjunction with key stakeholders, we will support initiatives geared towards improving the general health conditions of our communities, curbing child marriages, and promoting immunization programs among others.

7.    Alleviating Poverty and other Social Vices
In lieu of the Church’s holistic Ministry, we shall strengthen our social outreach programs through the Department of Planning and Development to address issues such as unemployment, household incomes, food security, domestic violence, abuse of drugs, violation of rights of the vulnerable groups (children, women, PWDs and the elderly) to mention but a few.

8.    Furthering the Spirit of Ecumenism
In conjunction with our sister Christian Churches and other related bodies, we shall render the basic social services in areas where they are inadequate or absent. In this regard, we shall avoid duplication of services to the beneficiaries.

I am particularly enthusiastic about working alongside my elder brother and friend, Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa of Masaka Diocese.

In conclusion, we would like to thank H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda for honouring our invitation and for the continued support by your Government towards various Church programmes.

Ssaabasajja Kabaka singing a hymn during the consecration service at Kako
We are grateful to His Majesty Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II, the Kabaka, for gracing this occasion. We recognize and appreciate your role of being a symbol of unity amongst all the people in your Kingdom.

Likewise, we are thankful to The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali, the Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda and my brother Bishops for accepting to be used of God to elect me as the 6th Bishop of this Diocese. I solicit for your continued prayers, moral and spiritual support in this new responsibility.

In a special way, I wish to register my thanks to The Rt. Rev. Jackson and Maama Perusi Matovu for taking care of the Diocese for over a year and for ensuring a smooth search process for a new Bishop; The Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen S. and Maama Margaret Kaziimba Mugalu for leading us in the Retreat and for the inspirational Sermon.
The Catholic Bishop of Masaka Diocese, John Baptist Kaggwa also attended
We are indebted to the Organizing Committee comprising of the Archdeacons, Canons, Clergy, Lay Readers and Laity led by Dr. Charles Kahigiriza (Diocesan Head of Laity); Rev. Canon Samuel Mwesigwa (Diocesan Secretary/Treasurer); Dr. Livingstone Ddungu; Owek. Gaster Lule (Ntake); Rt. Rev. Dr. Livingstone Nkoyooyo; Rt. Rev. Samuel B. Ssekkadde; Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira; Rev. Can. Amos Magezi, and Counsel Isaac Jjombwe (Diocesan Chancellor) for your generous contributions and tireless efforts towards the success of this function.

Special thanks to the Central Government and the Kingdom of Buganda for your generosity. We ask God to richly bless you and to enable us to work together.

Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my wife, Rev. Elizabeth Julia Katumba-Tamale, our children, parents, relatives and friends for standing with us in Ministry all these years, and for accepting this Episcopal vocation. Continue to pray for us, and we wish you journey mercies.

+Rt. Rev. Henry Katumba-Tamale


1 comment:

  1. We were greatly lucky to have recived him as our Bishop. God is really seeing him do a great job in West Buganda. Some of us (Me and my Wife) have escaped death after his salvation centered sermons which saw us proclaim salvation. We are just a statistic to the 10,000 people in West Buganda Diocese who have given their lives to Christ
